Friday, November 10, 2017

How Well Do You Know The 6 Parts Of A Dog?

There are six scientific parts of the dogs. How well do you know them? Take the quiz to find out!

    1. Let's begin with the basics. What is this part of the dog called? Here's a hint: Of the six parts of a dog, it's the part that is used the most during the dog's feeding process. If I had to guess, I'd say it's the “The Snout,” the part of the dog used for chewing, breathing, sneezing, throwing up, and biting villains.

This whole big face tube would of course be “The Gums,” the part of the dog that stores teeth, swallows teeth, and glows with a pale, ghostly green light when it is time for the dog to find more teeth.

Pretty sure that's called “The Valve.” The Valve is where the dog's brain is, and when the dog senses danger, it can open its Valve to make its brain fall out onto the ground. The Valve should be checked and inspected semi-annually by a professional.

I am certain that the answer here is “The Main Hole,” the part of the dog where the dog's eggs are stored. When the dog would like to have a human child, it opens the Main Hole and squirts an egg onto the ground. This enables either a human girl or human boy to hatch from the egg, climb onto the dog's back, and ride the dog off of a cliff, killing both of them. If you do not know something as basic as the Main Hole, you should not be allowed anywhere near a dog.

2. Many dog owners observe that their dog may quiver, shake, or even bark while having a vivid dream. Which of the six parts of the dog is responsible for creating dreams? Shot in the dark here, but I think that would be “The Insanity Sac.” It is located deep in the dog's skull, and every time the dog closes its eyes, the Insanity Sac creates images of the dog's brain of the dog being milked incorrectly by a farmer with no mouth. Again, just a guess, so don't hold me to it.

My guess here is “The Attraction Crown.” Dogs are the only animal that are sexually attracted to every other species of animal, so whenever they move while asleep, it's an indication that they're having a dream about seeing a naked bear or duck, which makes them do a small, sleeping dance of sexual joy.

I rem ember hearing somewhere that dog dreams come from neurons firing off in the “Ignition Wires,” which are located inside the central (primary) part of the dog.

It is obvious that the “Acid Bog” is where dreams come from. Located directly underneath the pink under part of the dog, the Acid Bog is the part of the dog that allows it to experience thoughts about salmon. Dogs hate salmon because they think salmon look too much like dogs and are trying to steal their thunder. When a dog shakes while sleeping, it is out of rage as it thinks about salmon, which it considers to be the “Imposter Dog.” Th is was a very simple question.

3. Identify this dog part. (Hint: It is one of the six parts of a dog). This might be dumb, but I think it's “The Ground Penis.” The Ground Penis is very similar to the dog's sexual penis, but the Ground Penis is used for stabili ty and balance instead of for sexual intercourse and swatting away dragonflies.

I think this is called “The Horse's Similarity.” Horses have a thing on them that's similar to this thing on a dog, and that's the only similarity that dogs have with horses.

My guess is going to be the “Combustion Hose.” It's responsible for transferring heat, has short black claws at the bottom, and should never be tinkered with.

It is plain to see that this part of the dog is known as “The Mondo-Nipples,” which are always massive and strange, because every dog is always pregnant and not fun to look at. I am growing frustrated with how easy this quiz is.

4. And identify this dog part. (Hint: It can be found upon a dog.) I feel like I remember this one being “The Bad Palm.” It is similar to the human palm, but it cannot cup or anything, so everything you put in it immediately falls out. It is essentially useless for the dog.

I'm almost certain that this one is called “The Saddle.” This is the part of the dog that functions solely as a place to put tools, ropes, and smaller dogs that you want transported.


I have never been more confident than I am in declaring that this is the “One Big Gil,” which dogs use to inhale, exhale, and cough, all at the same time.

5. While it slightly differs from dog to dog and breed to breed, all canines store the potential for massive amounts of energy. In which part of the dog is energy created and stored? Please don't hold me to this, but I think that energy comes from “The Meats,” which are stored directly under the dog's hair. When the dog needs energy, it burns its Meats, which send energy all the way down to the Ground Penises and try to muster up the energy to get the dog to walk upright, which it is always trying to do but can never quite get.

I thought energy was created and stored in the dog's “Crusts,” which are similar to human eyes, but far wetter and more gunked up. When dogs create energy, th eir eye area will become goopier than ever and they love it.

I think energy comes from “The Filter,” stored deep under the dog's hair, which turns all of the dog's aggression and anger from not being allowed to go to the bathroom whenever it wants into productive energy for running and chewing.

Of course dogs store energy in their “Open Clamps,” which are located just under the dog's “Locked Clamps,” which are deep below the hair. It makes me upset to think someone getting this easy question incorrect.

6. And now at last we have reached the final question about the sixth part of a dog. Here it is: Dogs can give birth to upwards of 10 puppies at once. Which part of the dog is responsible for reproduction and birthing? I think I remember reading that dogs are pregnant all of the time and will occasionally squirt puppies into the world out of a part of the dog that is known as “The Gape.” The Gape opens once a year, usually during the autumn solstice. While The Gape is open, puppies can crawl out of the dog, but sometimes geese and raccoons can crawl in. If a raccoon or a goose crawls into the dog's Gape, the dog must spend the year using enzymes to turn the geese and raccoons into puppies.

Scientists call the part of the dog responsible for birthing “The Big Secret,” because nobody knows where it is.

I believe that dogs produce life from “The Engine Major,” not to be confused with “The Engine Minor,” which is responsible for killing the dog immediately if it somehow manages to live to its 40th birthday, which is simply too old for a dog to ever be.

Dogs are never created or destroyed. There are just enough dogs around that everyone can have one or two. Dogs don't give birth because there doesn't need to be anymore of them. This quiz has been so easy that I'm mad that I even wasted my time with it.

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    Results for How Well Do You Know The 6 Parts Of A Dog?

    You Have An Expert's Knowledge Of The 6 Parts Of The Dog!

    Congratulations! You really know your stuff about the six parts of the dog. You know better than anyone that the six parts of the dog are “The Snout,” “The Insanity Sac,” “The Ground Penis,” “The Bad Palm,” “The Meats,” and “The Gape,” and you have an expert's understanding of all of their functions. You should become either a dog scientist or a dog farmer, because you really know a lot about dogs!

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    Results for How Well Do You Know The 6 Parts Of A Dog?

    You Have Confused The 6 Parts Of The Dog With The Parts Of The Horse

    Hey, don't beat yourself up too much on this one. Horses and dogs are the most closely related animals in nature, so it's easy to mix them up. With a little more studying, you'll have everything cleared up and be an expert on the six parts of a dog in no time!

    Results for How Well Do You Know The 6 Parts Of A Dog?

    You Have The 2014 Toyota Land Cruiser On Your Mind Too Much To Focus On The Parts Of The Dog

    Most of your answers got mixed up with parts of the 2014 Toyo ta Land Cruiser, which means that your heart wasn't really in this from the start. Just feels like you were mashing up stuff about the Land Cruiser with the dog's bodily functions. You might want to go get your Land Cruiser obsession totally out of your system before you circle back to take this quiz again.

    Results for How Well Do You Know The 6 Parts Of A Dog?

    You Know Nothing About The 6 Parts Of The Dog

    You've displayed a really off-base knowledge of the six parts of the dog, and your over-confidence and pompous attitude make your terrible performance seem that much worse. While it's definitely in your best interest to study up about the six parts of the dog just so you're not running around and spewing inaccurate nonsense about it into the world, ple ase don't feel like you need to circle back and take this quiz again. We could do without your whole deal.

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